

徐世美     教授、博士生导师


联系方式:13980533216          Email:xushimei@scu.edu.cn





1. 1992.09-1996.07 新疆大学,学士(其间1995.09-1996.07在大连理工大学转向培养)

2. 1999.09-2002.07 大连理工大学,硕士   导师:杨锦宗院士

3. 2005.09-2008.11 大连理工大学,博士   导师:杨锦宗院士


1. 1996.09-2016.06 新疆大学,助教/讲师/副教授/教授

2. 2004.08-2004.12 澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者

3. 2009.01-2010.01 美国密歇根大学博士后及访学研究

4. 2008-2010  新疆大学化学化工学院应用化学教研室副主任

5. 2010-2014  新疆大学石油天然气精细化工教育部重点实验室副主任

6. 2016.06-至今 9728太阳集团教授

7. 20122016年被聘为中国化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员

8. 2019年被聘为中国物资再生协会纤维复合材料再生分会专家委员会委员




2011年获教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助,2014年获NSFC-新疆联合基金优青专项资助。主持省部级以上科研项目9项,其中包括国家自然基金项目6项。获省部级科技进步二等奖1项(排名第一)。在Material Horizons, Green Chemistry, ACS  Applied  Materials & InterfacesChemical Engineering Journal, Macromolecular  Rapid  CommunicationsJournal of Materials Chemistry B, Soft MatterCarbohydrate Polymers, Bioresource Technology等国内外刊物上发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI 收录70篇,EI收录2篇。已授权中国发明专利3项。

代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利)



1. Fei Tian, Yang Yang, Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li An, Xu Zhao, Shimei Xu* and Yu-Zhong Wang*, From waste epoxy resins to efficient oil/water separation materials via a microwave assisted pore-forming strategy, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6: 1733–1739










2. Wenli An, Xiong-Lei Wang, Yang Yang, Huaxiu Xu, Shimei Xu* and Yu-Zhong Wang. Synergistic catalysis

      of binary alkalis for the recycling of unsaturated polyester under mild conditions, Green Chemistry., 2019,21     (11):3006-3012











3. Xu Zhao, Xiong-Lei Wang, Fei Tian, Wen-Li An, Shimei Xu* and Yu-Zhong Wang, A fast and mild closed-loop recycling of anhydride-cured epoxy through microwave-assisted catalytic degradation by trifunctional amine and subsequent reuse without separation. Green Chemistry., 2019, 21(9): 2487-2493












4. Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li An, Yang Yang, Zai-Yin Hu, Shimei Xu*, Wang Liao, Yu-Zhong Wang*. Porous gel materials from waste thermosetting unsaturated polyester for high-efficiency wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361:21-30












5. Huaxiu Xu, Yun Tan, Wenhui Rao, Di Wang, Shimei Xu*, Wang Liao, Yu-Zhong Wang*. Ultra-strong mechanical property and force-driven malleability of water-poor hydrogels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 542:281-288










6. Hua-Xiu Xu, Yun Tan, Di Wang, Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li An, Ping-Ping Xu, Shimei Xu* and Yu-Zhong Wang*. Autofluorescence of Hydrogels without Fluorophore, Soft matter, 2019, 15: 3588-3594











7. Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li An, Fei Tian, Yang Yang, Hua-Xiu Xu, Di Wang, Xu Zhao, Ping-Ping Xu, Shimei Xu*, Yu-Zhong Wang*. Fast microwave-assisted hydrolysis of unsaturated polyester resin into column packing for rapid purifying of dye wastewater, Journal of hazardous materials, 2019, 121465











8. Yun Tan, Di Wang, Huaxiu Xu, Yang Yang, Xiong-Lei Wang, Fei Tian, Pingping Xu, Wenli An, Xu Zhao, Shimei Xu*. Rapid Recovery Hydrogel Actuators in Air with Bionic Large-Ranged Gradient Structure,ACS applied materials & interfaces,2018,10(46):40125-40131












9. Yang Yang, Tun Tan, Xionglei Wang, Wenli An, Shimei Xu*, Wang Liao, Yuzhong Wang, Photothermal Nanocomposite Hydrogel Actuator with Electric-Field-Induced Gradient and Oriented Structure,ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 2018,10(9): 7688-7692










10. Yun Tan, Di Wang, Huaxiu, Xu, Yang Yang, Wenli An, Lina Yu, Zhixin Xiao, Shimei Xu*A Fast, Reversible, and Robust Gradient Nanocomposite Hydrogel Actuator with Water-Promoted Thermal Response, Macromolecular Rapid communications, 2018,39(8):1700863






















